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    « And Further In The Vein of "Things You Might Expect To Hate But Which Turn Out Surprisingly Awesome ..." | Main | High Praise Indeed »

    May 11, 2006


    Amanda B.

    Thankyou Nilbo, so so so much. We are at $780.00 which is a HUGE deal. I'm going to have to break this to Chester gently so he doesn't pass out.

    Bless you bless you. I smooch you.


    I am glad that you did this. I was thinking about doing it on my blog also, but no one really reads mine! LOL This is awesome that it is getting this much advertising. I will still try to put this on my blog. Once hubby shows me how to!

    I was wondering about Chester's reaction. I hope he handles it alright. I can't wait until the hubster gets paid and we can add some to the stash! I was so excited I could hardly sleep last night. I hate this living pay cheque to pay cheque junk, really slows things down on the donating and helping people out!

    BTW Nilbo, that Dolly Parton thing was awesome. Got goosebumps. She is truly just one of a kind!!!

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