1. I do not hate memes. Some people do, and I understand that. If you're one of them, move along. Nothing to see here. Some of what I will say will appear egotistical, and some of it will cause good friends to say I am too hard on myself. Both are probably true. I do have a huge ego, and I am too hard on myself. If some of this stuff seems braggy or immodest or coy and self-deprecating to you ... well, maybe it is. There's a whole web out there, waiting for you to find something more to your liking. Piss off.
2. I am basically an honest person.
3. I will not hesitate to lie if it makes you feel better.
4. I have a deep-seated need to please other people. It sometimes causes me to do things that make me unhappy.
5. When I was in Grade One, I was reading at a Grade Eight level. I was tested for IQ and scored well beyond the "Genius" range.
6. I do not think I am a "Genius". I may have gotten dumber as the years moved along. Or maybe they were marking on a curve. The best I will say about myself is that I'm pretty smart, compared to some people.
7. The "Genius" label caused a lot of well-meaning people to hold meetings about my schooling and to decide I needed to skip at least one grade. They stopped at a single grade because I was already young for Grade One. The decision to skip me forward caused an unforeseen ripple effect that resonates to this day. To wit:
8. When I reached high school, I was two years younger than any of my friends. Girls were - understandably - entirely uninterested in me. I became convinced that I was - and always would be - unattractive to the opposite sex. I still, in my heart, believe that, and no reassurances to the contrary can trump that conviction.
9. Because I was small, unattractive, and uninteresting, I developed a smart mouth and a sharp, biting sense of humour. This has always made me popular with some people and very unpopular with others.
10. I have learned to say the second thing I think. Most times.
11. I am ridiculously even-tempered. While I frequently get peeved - most often at myself - I very rarely get really angry. Twice in 30 years. That's "rarely", in my book. I believe most people who know me would describe me as consistently cheerful, happy, upbeat and positive in virtually any situation.
12. I am a better actor in real life than I am onstage.
13. I have a fairly impressive body of work that includes a musical, several plays, and two books. Most people would consider me to be reasonably successful.
14. I do not. This, by the way, is not false modesty. Just a fact.
15. I have every reason to believe I have had ADD since I was very young. It was never diagnosed by professionals. I was just considered lazy and one of those people who never work to their potential.
16. I do not miss deadlines. Ever.
17. I do not turn work in early. Ever.
18. An hour before I was to walk out onstage in front of 800 people for the world premiere of my last show, I was rewriting the opening scene in my dressing room.
19. My wife had to drive the four hours to the city where the show was premiering, so that I could sit in the passenger seat and memorize my lines.
20. I never, for one instant, doubted I would pull it off.
21. I did. Barely. But I did.
22. I bake my own bread, and I'm good at it.
23. I make a garlic spread that is so arrestingly delicious it literally stops conversation. The universal response to the first bite is: "Oh, my GOD. THIS is INCREDIBLE ... "
24. I can cook anything except rice. It never turns out for me. Ever. Gummy, sticky, gross.
25. Fine. I never liked rice anyway.
26. I prefer my lasagna to yours. I am, however, far too polite to say so. And anyway, how bad can lasagna be?
27. I will not spend time around people who are impolite to me or to others. If you are rude to a server in a restaurant, I will leave a bigger tip than I had intended, find the server, apologize to her for you, and I will never go to a restaurant with you again.
28. If you ever ate a breakfast I cooked for you, you would want to wake up in my house every day.
29. This is not currently feasible. Keep checking.
30. I am better at woodworking, home repair, and cabinetry than most guys.
31. I am nowhere near as good as I'd like to be. I need more tools.
32. You could not get me to eat sushi at gunpoint.
33. I cannot be in the same room as someone who is eating macaroni and cheese. The sound makes me gag. Seriously. Listen to it sometime.
34. I had three older sisters, who practiced dancing with (on) me. I am, as a result, an excellent dancer.
35. I am far more comfortable around women than I am around men.
36. I have only two close male friends. Both of them are named Gord.
37. I have seven close friends who are women. None of them is named Gord.
38. My wife knows four of those female friends, and likes three of them.
39. I do not eat my pizza crusts.
40. One time, I was out for lunch with my best friend. We were having pizza. My wife joined us. I finished a piece and put my crust on the edge of the plate. Both women reached for it at precisely the same instant. It was a very awkward moment.
41. I totally enjoyed it.
42. I have lost 55 pounds in the past year.
43. I still think of myself as "fat". Objectively, I'm not.
44. I play really bad drunken party guitar. Three chords whether I need them or not. If you want to hear "Gloria" or "Wild Thing", I'm your boy. But get me drunk first. And if you're drunk, I sound even better.
45. I do a dead-perfect impersonation of Tom Waits. It happens most often when I'm drunk. I wake up the next day and can't talk beyond a croak. Which - again -Tom Waits.
46. I know my way around every major Canadian city. Not saying I could drive a cab, but if I needed to get Point A to Point B, I'd be able to with minimal help.
47. I do not Love Raymond.
48. My favourite television show of all time is the BBC series "The Office". The American version, which featured Steve Carell (whom I quite like), was an utter abomination. Get the original on DVD and watch all twelve episodes and the finale. It is simply perfect television.
49. You are already bored with this; I'm not. See #1 re: ego.
50. The longest I have been without a dog in my life is seven months.
51. I prefer dogs to cats, simply because I am uncomfortable around any animal that feels more contempt for me than I for it. Never an issue with a dog.
52. Which is not to say I don't like cats. Just that I know they don't think of me as "Daddy"; rather "OK, where's that creature I use to open the tins of Whiskas?"
53. I will always reach for the check, but I will only go two rounds with you if you reach for it, too. The second time you say "No, really, I'll take it," I'll give up.
54. I'd rather cook for you than go out somewhere to dinner. You'd prefer it, too. I'm a very good cook.
55. I will drink white wine, but it's not my first choice. My first choice is rye whisky (preferably Canadian Club or Crown Royal) and Diet Coke with Lime.
56. When I first graduated from University, I worked in marketing with Molson Breweries. I no longer drink beer. I do, however, still have a high lifetime average.
57. I sometimes drink premium brand Single Malt Scotch. I wish I liked it as much as I pretend I do.
58. I collect out-of-print books by Danish poet Piet Hein. I find them in used books stores. I can usually haggle the price down to around $2.00 per book. They are worth much more.
59. I never sell them. I make up six-volume sets and give them to people I love.
60. I am a better shopper than anyone I have ever met. I find better stuff and pay better prices.
61. I will shop you into the ground. I am tireless.
62. I will not necessarily buy something when I shop. It's all about the hunt. I cannot remember the last time I paid full price for anything other than groceries or gas.
63. I do not care if I win unimportant arguments. I pick my hills to die on carefully.
64. I will win the more important arguments.
65. I have never lost a game of trivia. Ever. My brain is packed with useless, arcane information on the broadest possible range of subjects. I yell things at the contestants on "Jeopardy" and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". Mostly I yell things like "Who is Malthus, you moron! Who is Malthus!" And when they say "Who is ... umm ... Adam Smith?" I make a big braaaaappp noise and insult them. I've been told it's all very entertaining.
66. I have a memory that most people find astonishing. My memory of events and conversations - from years or even decades back - is complete, clear, and accurate.
67. I sometimes cannot remember the name of the person I met two minutes earlier. I pretend it's a hearing thing.
68. I carry grudges. Not many, but I carry them forever. It's not a quality of mine that I find admirable.
69. I care what other people think. I admire people who say they do not. That level of self-deception must be hard to maintain.
70. I am intensely loyal to the people I love. I have learned - painfully - not to assume that loyalty will be returned. I have forgiven many trespasses.
71. I golf more than most people you know - 100+ games a year, most years. I have been golfing since I was 13 years old - almost 40 years. Thousands of rounds of golf.
72. I have never scored a hole-in-one. I expect I will, one day. Possibly tomorrow.
73. I am a better-than-average golfer. My best round last year was a 76.
74. I get enormously peeved at slow golfers. If you are just learning, go to a driving range. If you must be on my golf course, move smartly along or move to the side. And if you're a reasonably accomplished golfer and believe a good round ought to take four hours, you are dead to me. Dead. Now get your dead, bloated, decaying carcass off the fairway and let me through.
75. I get up at 5:00 AM in the summers so I can be the first golfer off the tee. Golfing with my wife, we can be done - easily, and without rushing unduly - in 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
76. I do not enjoy gardening. At all. I mow the lawn - grudgingly - on a ride-on mower. I sometimes run over plants that may or may not be weeds. I don't mention it.
77. I enjoy having two woodstoves in the house. I like to split firewood, and I love the kind of heat a woodstove throws. I would one day like to get a wood-fired oven.
78. I have a pool table in my office. Or a computer and desk in my poolroom. Either way, I'm not getting better at pool.
79. My wife fell in love with a huge oak teacher's desk, and bought it for my office. It sucks as a computer work station. I am not a teacher. But I gave in on this. See #63.
80. My house was built in 1864. It's a huge farm house that was once a bed and breakfast before we moved in and re-converted it for single family use. It sits on several acres of land and has two resident ghosts, one inside and one outside. They're friendly. Not like Caspar-friendly. Just not particularly mischievous or malignant spirits.
81. I love grocery shopping. I would go every day. The only store that holds more appeal for me than a grocery store is a hardware store.
82. I love doing laundry - the whole process, including smelling the freshly cleaned sheets. I prefer to hang my sheets on the clothesline. I love folding clothes and pairing up socks.
83. I despise ironing and will not do it.
84. Very few things scare me. If I find something that does, I actively work on that fear until it is gone.
85. Seeing a needle penetrate skin makes me feel faint. I will cover my eyes until that part of the TV show is done.
86. I have written a weekly humour column for radio and newspaper since 1986 and never, in all those years, have I missed a week. Some columns, however, are better than others.
87. I have an addictive personality. I am aware of that, and stay away from certain things I know I will like too much.
88. I cannot believe anybody has read this far. I fully expect to get contemptuous "my-aren't-you-full-of-yourself" comments. I would hate that almost as much as getting no comments at all.
89. Once this is posted, I will find a spelling or grammar error in it, and I will go back and change it. I cannot abide them in my own writing, although I forgive them in others'.
90. I believe that in any conflict, the person with the strongest conviction about the issue at hand will almost always prevail.
91. I do not believe life is "fair". Life just "is". "Fair" is a human construct, and not a useful one at that.
92. I do believe there is more good than evil in this world, and that good will triumph over evil in the long run.
93. Of my top ten movies of all time, eight are romantic comedies.
94. My daughters are both "Daddy's Girls". This pleases me more than anything else in my life.
95. On any moral issue, I favour the side that stays the fuck out of other peoples' business. Tend your own garden. Period. Full stop. "But ... but ..." No. Shut it.
96. I think most people would find me a reasonably companionable sort to spend an evening with. I'm not sure how many could actually live with me. I personally think I'd be pretty easy to live with, but anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise.
97. There are days when I feel like hot shit, and days when I feel like a total waste of skin. Only my very best friends will ever know which is which. See #12.
98. I still believe that at age 51, I have some greatness in me trying to wriggle out.
99. I think it would have a better chance of wriggling out if I'd get out of the way.
100. I thought about telling some lies and stretching the truth here, but then I figured "What's the point. I am who I am."
So ... there.
I made it to 32. I'm going to have to bite this one off in chunks.
#27 and & 32 - AMEN! I am the same way. I can't stand mean people. I can't eat fish.
I might eat a mean fish. Nawwww...
Posted by: kristine | June 07, 2005 at 01:25 PM
Read all of them - I think you're great! :)
I wish I could have gone to one of your shows in England but they all seemed to be up North. I thought about stalking you when you went to Stonehenge but decided that might be weird ... only kidding but you should definitely try the Home Counties next time!
Posted by: Emma | June 07, 2005 at 01:43 PM
Next tour is in February, and it's a little further South, from what my manager tells me. And hey ... if you want to set up a show at a local village hall as a fundraiser for something ...
Posted by: Nils | June 07, 2005 at 01:45 PM
Brilliant, I'll keep an eye on the blog for dates then. :)
Posted by: Emma | June 07, 2005 at 01:49 PM
Yay for me! I made it all the way through.
And I only got bored once.
I'm kidding, of course. It was more like seven or eight times. ;o)
It's a great list, Nilbo. I've thought about doing one myself, but I'm not sure I could do it all at once. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. And I love the "I am who I am" line. It's even better when you say it like Popeye. ("I yam what I yam, and that's all that I yam.")
Posted by: LadyBug | June 07, 2005 at 02:59 PM
I made it through the list in one sitting requring no additonal food or water. I'm blessed with an outstaning memory as well. Even after years of abusing my brain pan I can still pull the odd "wow" memory out of my bag of tricks. Of the 100 things you "probably" don't know about Nils, conservatively I know close to half of em.
Here's an additonal few: at one time Nils smoked cigarettes with authority.....Nils is tenacious, no matter what he never gave up on something he put his mind to.....As a young adult Nils could have been described as skinny........
Posted by: Jim Fogg | June 07, 2005 at 04:16 PM
Heeheehee "smoked cigarettes with authority" ... you DO have a memory, me son ... that's from frigging High School ... which, you know, was like more than a decade ago ...
Posted by: Nils | June 07, 2005 at 04:55 PM
hmmmmm I read all the way through. the only thing that surprised me was that you didnt eat the pizza crust. I think that's positively sinfull.
I rather like the fact that I knew most of these, except for the BBC show, "The Office", which I've never heard of.
and as for #68, which i've noticed from time to time, I think *I* would win that little discussion ;))))
As far as being full of yourself, I dont think you come across that way in making this list. This is what we wanted to know! (I'll let you know when it happens again tho) ;)
hmm, I feel for Joyce... LOL!
Nils, you have had a most interesting life... very much so.
It will also be interesting to see what the next 50 years holds... eh? ;)
Posted by: Laura | June 07, 2005 at 05:13 PM
I read all the way through--you can come over and cook me breakfast and fresh bread and do my laundry any time!
What's your column called?
And, FYI, I have eaten a bad lasagna before--it only happened once--but I still ate it...
Posted by: Effie | June 07, 2005 at 05:24 PM
Things that made me say, "Me too!":
1, 2, 3, 10, 22, 23, 24 (but I can make rice and it's always perfect), 26 (I have had horrible lasagna, made with overcooked noodles, frozen veggies, and sauce from a jar), 35 (but reverse it), 47 (oh my God, yes), 54, 60, 61, 62, 81/
As for cats...my three think of me as "Mommy" and of hubby as "Daddy". How do I know this? One of them is currently licking my toes, one is curled up in my lap purring away, and the other is as close to me as he can get without bothering the one licking my toes. The food bowl is full, and so is the water dish, so it's not about wanting victuals. I could list dozens of things they do that make me sure that they love me just as much as a dog would, but I'm hijacking again.
I'm so rude that way!
Posted by: suburban misfit | June 07, 2005 at 06:35 PM
my me too moment: ok, I had lots of them, but this one made me laugh out loud:
65. I have never lost a game of trivia. Ever. My brain is packed with useless, arcane information on the broadest possible range of subjects. I yell things at the contestants on "Jeopardy" and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". Mostly I yell things like "Who is Malthus, you moron! Who is Malthus!" And when they say "Who is ... umm ... Adam Smith?" I make a big braaaaappp noise and insult them. I've been told it's all very entertaining.
I also do this with "Win Ben Stein's Money" - better w/Jimmy Kimmel than the chick sidekick, btw.
Posted by: whfropera | June 07, 2005 at 06:55 PM
15. ... I was just considered lazy and one of those people who never work to their potential.
(Gee...could it be because you were above average, so people expected you to be perfect? Yeah, I can relate!)
18. An hour before I was to walk out onstage... I was rewriting the opening scene in my dressing room.
24 and 25. I can cook anything except rice. It never turns out for me. Ever. Gummy, sticky, gross. Fine. I never liked rice anyway.
(Because you have never had good, well-cooked rice! I used to be a rice-hater. Then I lived in China and found out what rice is supposed to taste like.)
66. I have a memory that most people find astonishing. My memory of events and conversations - from years or even decades back -is complete, clear, and accurate.
(You are really starting to remind me of an old ex-boyfriend...are you sure you really aren't Brent?? He is the world's living American expert on Canada, too, coincidentally...)
I could list more that I wanted to comment on, but that would make this comment as long as your entry! Anyway, I made it to the end, and it was not even close to pulling teeth.
Posted by: AndreaBT | June 08, 2005 at 01:08 AM
Ok, I've had your garlic spread, and it's been a while, but I'm still jealous of it and wish I knew how to recreate it. I totally remember vividly, salivating and asking AL what went into it, cause it was so good. Very warranted point.
Posted by: mel | June 08, 2005 at 04:53 AM
I'm late, but I just wanna say:
"Hooray! Nilbo's back! Ladies, hide your rolling pins!"
Welcome back, mister sweet thing. I'll now go back to reading your itty-bitty list.
Posted by: Spurious Plum | June 08, 2005 at 05:49 AM
So much material rife for the picking, so little time. That is all.
Posted by: Davey | June 08, 2005 at 08:35 AM
#11 : Even-tempered my ass! You can fool everyone else, but you can't fool the one who had to duck a well-aimed shoe (unless, of course, you are counting that as one of the two times)!
101. Nils has remarkably good aim when hurling footwear.
And no longer, as Jim points out, smokes cigarettes with authority. Must now content himself with smoking cigarettes guiltily in the woodshed.
Posted by: Allie | June 08, 2005 at 11:46 AM
in the woodshed Allie??? Oh, do tell!!
I'd love to see the Truth About Dad's come out..
You know, the sequel... :)
Nils, how could you possibly throw a shoe at that lovely girl. This was never mentioned in your columns....
Posted by: Laura | June 08, 2005 at 02:12 PM
I claim to hate memes, but I'm also a true hypocrite - I sometimes read them and I sometimes do them. Reading yours was a treat (because of its depth and apparent sinceretly; *apparent* because of #3).
Do you also
102. relate better to people older than you? and
103. think you can do anything you set your mind to, but typically don't?
Just wondering ...
Posted by: Peefer | June 08, 2005 at 02:36 PM
I did it!! TWO DAYS it took me, but I did it.
and boy someone is just full of themselves huh? ;)
*hug* glad to have you home.
Posted by: kristine | June 08, 2005 at 05:20 PM
Hehehe OK, one by one:
Effie: My column is called "Half-truths" in most of the papers in which it runs. Others just call it "Nils Ling" or, for all I know, "Some Crap About Some Guy's Family".
Suburban Misfit: Your cats are pretending they love you. You know all those stories you read about people leaving their fortune to their cats? Your cats have read them, too, and those times when you can't find them at night? Evening courses in investment. For God's Sake, don't ever let on to those cats that you're broke.
Whatthefuckopera: Win Ben Stein's Money is another where I yell at the contestants. Not at Ben, though. He's cool. Although I would personally kick his ass in trivia.
Andrea: I'm sure I'm not Brent. I'm not the "Brent" type. "Brents" are way cooler than I'll ever be. You never see a chunky bald guy with glasses named Brent.
Mel: I'm glad you confirmed my point about the garlic spread. It's easy to make. I will teach you this summer, assuming you come home.
Faux Nectarine: I'm delighted to be home, and no need to hide your rolling pins if you use them for what God intended.
Davey: Fire away, dude. But I will always have the last laugh. Because it takes me so long to get a joke.
Allie: If I'd meant to hit you with the shoe, you would be walking around today with "EKIN" imprinted on your forehead. m As it is, your addendum to the list is correct: I have remarkably good aim, and I missed you by four feet. The story, in a nutshell: I had been up and working for 36 hours straight, this 11 year old shit was instigating a fight with her older sister, and to shut them both up I shied a tennis shoe at them from across the room, thumping the wall safely over their heads. The legend has grown now to the point where soon I will have been beating on them with size 12 workboots. And yes, that was one of the two times.
And yes, the woodshed is attached to my office and it's where I hide to sneak the odd cigarette.
Laura: as the mother of teenaged girls, you should know that the difference between "that lovely girl" and "that little troublemaking shit" is one spurt of estrogen at the wrong time.
Peefer: dead on with #103, but I don't know that I relate especially well with older people, any more than people my own age. I do tend to have good relationships with older women - say, for example, Laura ...
Kristine: So glad you could get through the list in only two days. Those remedial reading classes have done wonders for you.
Posted by: Nils | June 08, 2005 at 07:19 PM
Sorry, doubling back to make sure nobody got left out: Ladybug, you should do a list. I found it interesting, just as an exercise in trying to be honest with and about myself - not something I always do.
Posted by: Nils | June 08, 2005 at 07:33 PM
smart ass. i guess that is why i love you!
Posted by: kristine | June 08, 2005 at 10:34 PM
Hmmm, I escaped unscathed, possibly an over sight, more likely a brain cramp. Tends to happen to men of our advanced years......Seems that Allie is a chip off the old block head..as it were.....You go girl......
Posted by: Jim Fogg | June 09, 2005 at 11:50 AM
Aaaaaah, Nilbo, my rolling pin buddy...
Tom Waits? Really?
*sits closer to Nilbo*
Recite the entirety of "Potter's Field" in your best Waits voice and I will follow you anywhere. With a rolling pin.
Posted by: Bucky Four-Eyes | June 09, 2005 at 03:12 PM
Nilbo, when are you coming to the states to hang out with us blogging wenches?
Posted by: Torrie | June 09, 2005 at 04:04 PM
I can do "Potter's Field" ... but ohhh, you should hear me with "Wasted and wounded ... it ain't what the moon did .. I got what I paid for now ...". I'm tellin' ya ... it'll make your thighs all sticky ...
Torrie ... I'm touring in the States a leeetle more now than before ... but it's a process. Thanks to your Department if Immigration and Naturalization Service,,,,
And James ... as I sit here with EA, enjoying some lobster and mussels after a golf game ... we're toasting you, buddy ...
Posted by: Nils | June 09, 2005 at 07:56 PM
Great list! Sushi is really good, i swear!
Posted by: airea | June 09, 2005 at 08:51 PM
Nilbo...you make-a me look around for mah fainting couch!
with the cheater slicks, baby moon.
Posted by: Bucky Four-Eyes | June 09, 2005 at 10:09 PM
Bucky - we could tag-team him if he stays in character! Glad to see I'm not the only girl who thinks Tom Waits voice is dreamy...
Posted by: whfropera | June 09, 2005 at 10:19 PM
Nils..Ow that hurt. Cheers to you and Ken as well.....Ken had to travel a long long way to get out of the rain.....I do love mussels, lobster is ok, but raw oysters on a shell with hot sauce and horseradish now that's the ticket hmmm......its 10:00 PM here so it must be yesterday there? Or is that NFLD...anyway hope you girls are still up enjoying a nice single malt or 3 or in your case a couple of rye and diet coke and lime.....you can take the boy off the prairie....but blah blah blah....... Cheers...maybe you could do (Looking for) The Heart of Saturday Night........
Posted by: Jim Fogg | June 10, 2005 at 12:14 AM
I could do Heart of Saturday Night ... but in Bucky's honour I'm currently growling out "Pasties and a G-String" ... and about one ryencoke away from "Ol' 55" ...
Posted by: Nils | June 10, 2005 at 01:54 AM
... and there goes the voice ... lickety splitly ... croak at ya tomorrow, kids ...
Posted by: Nils | June 10, 2005 at 01:56 AM
Nilbo, Opera gal, you ever hear the bootleg of Waits doin' "Pasties and a G-String" live where he mixes it in with the Hokey Pokey?
Posted by: Bucky Four-Eyes | June 10, 2005 at 09:40 AM
Oh, and by the way...did you realize that you're a couple of years younger than my husband, Nilbo?
(I have AARP membership through him)
Posted by: Bucky Four-Eyes | June 10, 2005 at 10:13 AM
I didn't read the other comments, but I will when I have more time. I LOVE these lists. I love people's stories, and almost any one of the items on the list could be a starting point for a story. I read them all. At many of them, I had a smartass or witty or kind or whatnot comment. But I also have ADD. So unless I read the damn thing while taking notes (which would be a tad compulsive for just blogsurfing), by the time I reached the end, I got nothin'. I was not surprised by much, if anything. Because of my ADD and sympathy with others', I do these 10 at a time. I'm only up to 20, though.
Posted by: Susie | June 10, 2005 at 10:19 AM
1. I like lists.
2.I like people that like lists.
You are really a neat kinda person. Just the right combination of "that boy ain't right" and "got a lick of sense" that makes for a cool kinda guy.
Posted by: deneen | June 10, 2005 at 11:30 AM
Perhaps a li'l more to the "That Boy Ain't Right" side of the spectrum, but yeah, I get a lot of sense licked into me ...
Posted by: Nils | June 10, 2005 at 02:48 PM
Oh, I forgot before. How about sharing your garlic spread recipe?
Posted by: Susie | June 10, 2005 at 03:39 PM
No but I do have TW doing a duet live with Bruce Springsteen of "Jersey Girl".
Posted by: whfropera | June 10, 2005 at 05:00 PM
I read the whole thing. I think I love you. =)
Posted by: weetzie | June 10, 2005 at 06:48 PM
#36 Pretty happy to be named Gord!
Posted by: Gord | June 18, 2005 at 11:43 PM
I made it through all 100 and I must say I enjoyed it.
I've seen your "name" on a few blogs (in comments) but never really checked you out until now.
I'm glad I did. I will continue to do so.
Posted by: Suzie | June 29, 2005 at 09:05 PM