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    « WOW! Try THIS! | Main | Grumpy Old Fart »

    January 18, 2004


    Rob MacD

    Are you sure that site was the culprit, Nils? I tried it and had no problems (to my knowledge). Maybe you're using a different browser than me. I'm using the Mozilla Firebird browser, which seems to have a pretty good built-in popup stopper. Maybe the program has installed itself, and my browser is keeping me from seeing the popups? Time to do another Adaware and Spybot scan I guess.

    Thanks for the heads-up.

    Nils Ling

    I use IE (through sheer laziness) ... and I'm not POSITIVE it was that site ... all I know is when my daughter called it up today, she got Java-bombed with pop-ups and all the problems started ... so we put two and two together and that's what we came up with. I deleted the site because - while it's amusing - I don't take chances with this stuff.


    I experienced no ill effects from visiting this site either. But in the spirit of "sheer laziness" I encourage you to install the Google toolbar (if you haven't already, works with IE) which not only kills pop-ups and allows you to do a quick search, but makes you a better person as well. It saves you from having to open up a browser window and typing "".

    Now if only I could get my computer to bring me a hot cup o' joe...


    Check the date ... it was posted back in January ...

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